Finding an Idea in the Mail: Renaud Laplanche was opening his mail when the idea for Lending Club came to him. He tells the story of seeing the opportunity and creating the online Lending Club to fill the gap in the financial industries market. Laplache’s competitive nature extends to one-man sailboat racing and he compares the… Read more »
Jobs & Careers
Entrepreneur Q & A: Kellin Haley

1. What does being an entrepreneur mean to you? Being an entrepreneur to me means being an individual that creates innovation to help the world be a better place. Everywhere we see great systems and things that help us live our lives, stay healthy, and be efficient. Being an entrepreneur is seeing the ability to… Read more »
Khan Academy: Introduction to Economics

Introduction to economics: Basic introduction to what microeconomics and macroeconomics study. A bit on Adam Smith.
A Day With the “Schwabies”

Emajae- Columbia Park Clubhouse of Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco Charles Schwab Corporation is a banking and investment brokerage company that has more than 325 branches in the United States and one branch each in London and Puerto Rico. As of May 31 2015, Charles Schwab Corporation has $2.57 trillion in total client… Read more »
Khan Academy: Reid Hoffman - Founder of LinkedIn

Reid Hoffman - Founder of LinkedIn:
Tips for New Entrepreneurs from InPlatform Cofounder

1. What does being an entrepreneur mean to you? Being an entrepreneur is really popular these days. We see them on the cover of magazines and on TV series glorifying the life of startups, hustling, and raising money from investors. It’s hip to say you want to own your own business and it is the… Read more »
Serrina’s Launch to Leadership

Serrina, from the Denver Bronco’s Boys & Girls Club, shows us that hard work, supportive Club staff, and tips learned from the CareerLaunch program, can help you become someone who helps others. Read more about Serrina’s experiences and get some ideas about how you can make a positive impact on others as well. Serrina’s Launch to Leadership… My… Read more »
Entrepreneur Q&A: Ai Ching Goh of Piktochart

5 Questions with an Entrepreneur: Piktochart CEO Ai Ching Goh talks about solving problems, building a team, and being humble 1. What does being an entrepreneur mean to you? An entrepreneur is someone who sees a problem and builds a solution in order to fix it. For example, growing up I noticed there isn’t a… Read more »
CareerLaunch Contest: Your Best Interview Outfit

Win a $50 gift card!! CareerLaunch wants to know how you dress for success. In this CareerLaunch Contest post an Instagram photo of your best interview outfit using #careerlaunch AND #MCMLContest to enter. How to Enter (Make sure to include these items for your post to be considered an entry!) Post a selfie in… Read more »
What is Personal Brand, an Interview with Jesse Ferrell

MCML recently sat down with Jesse Ferrell, professional speaker, author and success coach, to get his take on personal brand, achieving success, and the importance of mentors. Let’s see what he had to say! MCML: So Jesse, tell us, what is personal brand and what does it mean to you? Jesse: Personal brand is much… Read more »