Introduction to economics: Basic introduction to what microeconomics and macroeconomics study. A bit on Adam Smith.
Introduction to economics: Basic introduction to what microeconomics and macroeconomics study. A bit on Adam Smith.
[The Creative Circus is an Atlanta-based portfolio school for those interested in pursuing a career in creative.] By Teen Reporter, Caroline B. Art keeps the world going. It’s how we sell things. It’s how we become inspired. It’s how we teach children. Art is everywhere. Without it, nothing would work. Art is what… Read more »
If you can’t put your smartphone down, at least put it to good use and get off Snapchat! Getting organized and saving time on the little things will help you focus your energy on your assignments and classes. Here are the top 5 apps for school that you have to check out to make those… Read more »
Exploring My Interests After High School Are you trying to figure out what lies ahead for you after high school? Well, here are some steps to get started and ways you can map out your future! Step 1 – Tune in to Your Hobbies and Interests What are some of your hobbies? What are… Read more »
Take a college tour to find one that makes sense for you and your goals. One Teen Reporter did just that last summer to find a college that he fell in love with and found out that the college he thought he wanted to go too wasn’t a great fit for him personally. By Zack L., myclubmylife.com Teen… Read more »