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By Qunkilya, 2015 Sprint Cyber Safe Futures Ambassador (Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Lucie County, FL)


Mobile Device Responsibility- Qunkilya’s View

How can teens be responsible with mobile devices? 2015 Sprint Cyber Safety Ambassador, Qunkilya, shares her perspective on this topic.

Teens typically use smart phones, tablets, and computer laptops in a mobile fashion.  Often times, their smart phones aren’t even activated and they serve as a de facto “mini tablet” as teens connect to the internet via Wi-Fi, and communicate with each other “off the grid”.

Teens can be safe by being careful where they log on and the activity they engage in while surfing the worldwide web.  Also, it is just as important to be responsible with your devices as it is to be responsible online.  Mobile devices can be quite expensive so it is imperative to buy the appropriate protective casing and make sure that you are always careful while physically using your device.  Nothing screams irresponsible like a cracked phone screen, so protect yours at all costs!



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