Check out Kid President’s awesome rap on the history of awesome girls!! In the new video, Kid President performs an inspiring rap about empowering female role models throughout history, as well as ordinary girls making extraordinary differences in their communities. Watch the video here There wasn’t enough time for all the world’s awesome girls. Who… Read more »
Massachusetts Youth of the Year Winner Announced!

We are so excited to announce the MA Youth of the Year winner! Vicky, You are an amazing young woman and a shining example of what a Youth of the Year represents. We wish you the best in college and know you will indeed change the world! A message from Victoria Fils-Aime to the… Read more »
Khan Academy: Basic geometry: language and labels
Basic geometry: language and labels: Before learning any new concept (mathematical or otherwise), it’s important we learn and use a common language and label concepts consistently.
Kid President: President Obama sends Kid President a Message

Kid President was asked by the White House to make a video for their historic Easter Egg Roll! We’ll let you discover who makes a cameo. But, spoiler alert: It’s President Obama! You can enter the White House Easter Egg Roll Lottery here: But, act fast! Lottery runs from February 21st - 25th, at… Read more »
Khan Academy: Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites

Stonehenge and Avebury, in Wiltshire, are among the most famous groups of megaliths in the world. The two sanctuaries consist of circles of menhirs arranged in a pattern whose astronomical significance is still being explored. These holy places and the nearby Neolithic sites are an incomparable testimony to prehistoric times. Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites… Read more »
Kid President: Letter To A Person On Their First Day Here

It’s hard being a person sometimes. Kid President offers up some advice on how to be a person - an awesome person. He’s gathering a list of all the things #thekidsneedtoknow. Help him add to it! Share this video with someone you love and let’s give the world more reasons to dance!
Khan Academy: 1 Private universities

1 Private universities: This video features an official SAT practice question provided by the College Board.
Kid President: Pep Talk to Teachers and Students!

Kid President believes we’re all teachers and we’re all students. What are you teaching the world? Who are you learning from? Share this with a special teacher in your life! We wanted to make this as a special thank you to all the schools who have used Kid President in their classrooms to spread creativity… Read more »
Khan Academy: What is cryptography?

Do you like math? Or solving puzzles? Cryptography might be the career for you! What is Cryptography? Cryptologists are skilled at deciphering codes, puzzles or cryptograms. These puzzles are created to protect private information online. Check out this video from Khan Academy to see the history of Cryptography!
Kid President: An Open Letter To Moms from Kid President

This one goes out to moms! Without them we wouldn’t be here. Share this with the special moms in your life. Music: “Little Balloon” - Jenny and Tyler ( with a special dance selection at the end by The Grave Arcade ( Created by Brad Montague and Robby Novak