Khan Academy: How art can help you analyze

Posted by & filed under Arts & Tech, School & Career, Video.


How art can help you analyze: Can art save lives? Not exactly, but our most prized professionals (doctors, nurses, police officers) can learn real world skills through art analysis. Studying art like RenĂ© Magritte’s Time Transfixed can enhance communication and analytical skills, with an emphasis on both the seen and unseen. Amy E. Herman explains… Read more »

Khan Academy: How art can help you analyze

Posted by & filed under School & Career, Video.


How art can help you analyze: Can art save lives? Not exactly, but our most prized professionals (doctors, nurses, police officers) can learn real world skills through art analysis. Studying art like RenĂ© Magritte’s Time Transfixed can enhance communication and analytical skills, with an emphasis on both the seen and unseen. Amy E. Herman explains… Read more »