Who: Keystone Clubs within 10 miles of a local Aaron’s, Inc. store
When: 2015-2016 Keystone Charter Year – See Requirements for Deadlines
What: Win one of three (3) $20,000 Aaron’s Teen Center Refreshes for your Club! Three Keystone Clubs will join their local Aaron’s team to design a complete refresh for their Teen Centers.
This document outlines the qualification requirements for the three Aaron’s Teen Center Refreshes available to chartered Keystone Clubs through Race to the Club 2.0 during the 2015-2016 charter period.
Once all applications are received for each competition period (application deadlines listed below), BGCA will evaluate all submissions to ensure accuracy and completion. A panel of judges will select the winner from all eligible applicants by the 12th of the following month (e.g. if submissions are due December 15, a winner will be selected by January 12). The winning Club will be notified immediately and an e-newsletter announcing the winner will be shared with all Keystone Clubs on the 15th of each respective month.
Selection Process
All submissions will be evaluated and selected by a panel of judges composed of Aaron’s team members and BGCA team members. The judges will use a scorecard (see Appendix A) to rate each application, selecting a single winner during each application period as a result of the application score. In the event of a tie, the final decision will be determined by the National Keystone Advisor, in partnership with BGCA team members, Aaron’s team members and Directors of Organizational Development (where applicable).
All applications will be submitted via Survey Monkey. The application will be available on November 1, 2015. The application link will be available on the Keystone Online Community (bgca.net/keystone) and included in all emails and webinars reaching Keystone advisors.
Teen Center Refresh #1
Eligibility Period: September 1, 2015 – November 30, 2015
Teen Center Refresh Application Deadline: December 15, 2015
Recipient Announcement: January 12, 2015 Movement-Wide Announcement: January 15, 2015
Refresh Execution Month: February
Application link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/20000k
Eligible Clubs Must:
Be located within ten (10) miles of a local Aaron’s, Inc. store
Be a chartered Keystone Club
Be a Race to the Club Ambassador site
Complete the Keystone Program Assessment
Host a minimum of two Teen Outreach/#WeOwnFridays specific events to recruit new teen members to the Club.
Interact with the #WeOwnFridays social media pages through posts and shares.
Form a standing teen outreach committee that works with Club staff to develop teen
recruitment, retention, marketing strategies/initiatives and programming for teens. The names, meeting times and a description of the outcomes of the outreach committee must be submitted to the National Keystone Advisor through the reporting process.
Submit a minimum of one teen-written article for publication on MyClubMyLife.com. Submissions can be made directly to the National Keystone Advisor. The title, author and submission date must be noted through the reporting process.
Submit a one-page report outlining the community service experiences executed by Keystone members during the 2015-2016 charter period. The report should specifically focus on how teen voice and community needs are evaluated and addressed when planning and executing community service opportunities. This document should be developed by Keystoners.
Submit timely Race to the Club 2.0 reports (through Keystone Charter reporting) at the end of each month (reports due by the 8th of the following month.)
Teen Center Refresh #2
Eligibility Period: September 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015
Teen Center Refresh Application Deadline: January 15, 2015
Recipient Announcement: February 12, 2015 Movement-Wide Announcement: February 15, 2015
Refresh Execution Month: April
Application link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/20000k
Eligible Clubs Must:
Be located within ten (10) miles of a local Aaron’s, Inc. store
Be a chartered Keystone Club
Be a Race to the Club Ambassador site
Complete the Keystone Program Assessment
Host a minimum of two Teen Outreach/#WeOwnFridays specific events to recruit new teen members to the Club.
Interact with the #WeOwnFridays social media pages through posts and shares.
Form a standing teen outreach committee that works with Club staff to develop teen
recruitment, retention, marketing strategies/initiatives and programming for teens. The names, meeting times and a description of the outcomes of the outreach committee must be submitted to the National Keystone Advisor through the reporting process.
Submit a minimum of one teen-written article for publication on MyClubMyLife.com. Submissions can be made directly to the National Keystone Advisor. The title, author and submission date must be noted through the reporting process.
Submit a one-page report outlining the community service experiences executed by Keystone members during the 2015-2016 charter period. The report should specifically focus on how teen voice and community needs are evaluated and addressed when planning and executing community service opportunities. This document should be developed by Keystoners.
Submit timely Race to the Club 2.0 reports (through Keystone Charter reporting) at the end of each month (reports due by the 8th of the following month.)
Teen Center Refresh #3
Eligibility Period: September 1, 2015 – January 31, 2016
Teen Center Refresh Application Deadline: February 15, 2015
Recipient Announcement: At the National Keystone Conference, March 17-19, 2016* Movement-Wide Announcement: Following the National Keystone Conference Refresh Execution Month: May or June
Application link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/20000k
*Club does not have to be present at the National Keystone Conference to win.
Eligible Clubs Must:
Be located within ten (10) miles of a local Aaron’s, Inc. store
Be a chartered Keystone Club
Be a Race to the Club Ambassador site
Complete the Keystone Program Assessment
Host a minimum of two Teen Outreach/#WeOwnFridays specific events to recruit new teen members to the Club.
Interact with the #WeOwnFridays social media pages through posts and shares.
Form a standing teen outreach committee that works with Club staff to develop teen
recruitment, retention, marketing strategies/initiatives and programming for teens. The names, meeting times and a description of the outcomes of the outreach committee must be submitted to the National Keystone Advisor through the reporting process.
Submit a minimum of one teen-written article for publication on MyClubMyLife.com. Submissions can be made directly to the National Keystone Advisor. The title, author and submission date must be noted through the reporting process.
Submit a one-page report outlining the community service experiences executed by Keystone members during the 2015-2016 charter period. The report should specifically focus on how teen voice and community needs are evaluated and addressed when planning and executing community service opportunities. This document should be developed by Keystoners.
Submit timely Race to the Club 2.0 reports (through Keystone Charter reporting) at the end of each month (reports due by the 8th of the following month.)
APPENDIX A: Aaron’s Teen Center Refresh Competition Scorecard
The following are requirements for eligibility. Failure to meet any one or more of the requirements will render the application ineligible.
BGCA will verify that the following requirements were fulfilled.
Located within ten (10) miles of a local Aaron’s, Inc. store
Chartered Keystone Club
Completed the Keystone Program Assessment
Submitted timely Race to the Club 2.0 / #WeOwnFriday reports at the end of each month
The Club has dedicated teen space(s)
The application must provide documentation that the following requirements were fulfilled.
Hosted a minimum of two Teen Outreach/#WeOwnFridays specific events (documentation of events can be verified using previous #WeOwnFriday submissions via bgca.net/Keystone)
Interacted with the #WeOwnFridays social media pages through posts and shares
Formed a standing teen outreach committee that works with Club staff to develop teen
recruitment, retention, marketing strategies/initiatives and programming for teens. The names,
meeting times and outcomes of the committee must be submitted as part of the application.
Submitted a teen-written article for publication on MyClubMyLife.com (topic to be determined
by Keystoner). Submissions can be made directly to the National Keystone Advisor
([email protected])*. The title, author and submission date must be noted in the application.
Submitted a one-page report outlining the community service experiences executed by
Keystone members during the 2015-2016 charter period. The report will specifically focus on how teen voice and community needs are evaluated and addressed when planning and executing community service opportunities. Submissions can be made directly to the National Keystone Advisor ([email protected])*.
In addition to the eligibility requirements, the Clubs will be scored on the following elements evaluating need and teen program effectiveness:
1. Evaluation of need to ensure Refresh benefits a teen program with proven material needs. Need will be defined by the following:
a. Date of last Teen Center update/refresh
b. Submission of 5 pictures of current Teen Center (Submissions can be made directly to
the National Keystone Advisor ([email protected].)*
2. Evaluation of teen program data—historical and current—to ensure Refresh benefits a proven teen program. Evaluation of teen program statistics will include the following:
a. Analysis of Keystone Chartering history; preference will be given to programs with higher charter status or a longer charter history as a Keystone Club
b. Analysis of the ADA data received through Planning & Measurement; programs with growing teen numbers over the last three (3) years will be scored higher than teen programs that note stagnant or decreasing numbers
c. Analysis of the NYOI data received through Planning & Measurement; programs with the highest rankings in Fun, Physical Safety, Emotional Safety, Adult Support, Sense of Belonging, and Meeting Expectations will be scored higher
3. Evaluation of the one-page report outlining how teen voice and community needs are evaluated and addressed through the community service opportunities executed by the Keystone Club during the 2015-2016 charter period
*Please send only one email per application with all required attachments.
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