Take the World Water Monitoring Challenge!
Is your water safe to drink? For many people around the world and even in our own country, the answer is no. EarthEcho International is an educational and outreach program started by the family of Jacques Cousteau, probably the most famous underwater explorer ever. His son, Philippe, joined him at an early age. He was a professional diver at the age of 7! He learned from his father the importance of keeping our waterways and water supplies clean. He now leads youth expeditions to teach about how important they can be to protect our water and our health.
Philippe and his colleagues at EarthEcho International (the organization started by Philippe and other members of his family) with the help of others decided to enlist the help of people around the world in an effort to protect our most precious resource. They started The World Water Monitoring Challenge and encouraged people worldwide to get test kits and test their local water supplies (lakes, streams, rivers). By simply taking action and sharing the data about your community water, The WWM Challenge connects you to people all around the word who are working to conserve and protect our water.
In 2013 participants in the WWM Challenge made 184,965 trips to monitoring sites in 51 countries. And now they’re asking you to help. You and your club can go to www.monitorwater.org and register to get a WWMC tool kit. It includes everything you and your fellow Club members need to get started. And remember that that your future depends on clean water!
Thanks to www.monitorwater.org for much of the content of this article.
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