So summer’s officially over and most of us are back-to-school and back to the grind. If you’re entering high school for the first time, things can be a little different (and sometimes a little intimidating). Here are some quick tips for helping you make the transition to high school.
1 - Learn the ropes
This might sound like a no-brainer, but things are different in high school. Don’t assume that anything works the way it did at your old school. Pay extra attention the first few weeks to figure out what your teachers’ expectations are for arriving on time, turning in homework and talking in class. Each teacher might have different rules, so just sit tight while you learn the ropes and what you should be doing. Take the time to get to know the school and where things are. This will make it loads easier when you find yourself in a rush!
2 - Everyone is in the same boat
It might seem like you’re the only person struggling in this new big world but if you look around you’ll see you aren’t alone. Most of the other freshman in your classes are new to the game too and probably have a little bit of anxiety just like you. So reach out with a friendly word or smile and make some connections.
3 - Your teachers aren’t the enemy
Sometimes it may seem like they are (who hasn’t seen the occasional teacher on a mini power trip?), but honestly your teachers aren’t the enemy. Most of them are there because they really care about helping you succeed in life. Remember, they don’t get paid enough money to be there unwillingly! So if you’re having a hard time adjusting or you need extra help, just talk to your teachers. You’d be amazed at what a little communication ahead of time can do to solve a potential problem.
4 - Stay on top of your work
This is a big one. You can usually expect more homework when you move to high school. Make sure that you start the year off right by staying on top of your work. Playing catch up isn’t fun or easy and can set you up for a bad year. A lot of teachers will outline their expectations and some even provide a syllabus. Make sure that you have enough time in the evenings to handle the workload and even try getting your homework out of the way before you turn on that Xbox.
5 - Get Involved
The best way to make sure your transition to high school goes well is to really get involved. Making friends can be tough anywhere and we all know the cliches about high school cliques. But shying away from others and sticking to yourself is only going to make it worse. Take a look at the clubs and sports that are offered on campus and find out how you can be involved. School clubs are full of other kids who want to make friends and share their interests.
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High school can be a tough place if you aren’t prepared. From new social settings and teachers to increased workloads and schedules, high school is a whole new experience. But if you go into with the right mindset, we guarantee that you’ll find your groove.
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