By Qunkilya, 2015 Sprint Cyber Safe Futures Ambassador (Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Lucie County, FL)
Online Privacy Tips- Qunkilya’s View
Online privacy can refer to a variety of things, but it mostly pertains to your personal information, and the level of security attached to accessing that information. This can relate to both confidential information as well as the opportunity to maintain anonymity, depending on the situation.
Teens can protect their online privacy by keeping their personal details anonymous. Keep your email clean and don’t post or list personal details for others to use for devious purposes. Moreover, always keep your passwords different, and constantly change them. This can seem like a hassle, but in the long term, you will be glad you took the extra precautions to avoid identity theft that could lead to financial, employment, or personal catastrophes.
To all parents, you can find additional information to guide and teach at NetSmartz with a Z dot org. Until next time, remember: Online privacy is not a privilege, it is a necessity. Protect yourself at all costs!

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