By Maureena, 2015 Sprint Cyber Safe Futures Ambassador (Boys & Girls Clubs of Truckee Meadows, NV)
Mobile Device Safety- Maureena’s View
Hello, Maureena J. here to talk about the topic of Mobile Safety.
I’d like to share about the types of mobile devices teens often use and how teens can be more responsible with them. Devices like iPhones, Windows phones, Androids, Tablets and iPads are smartphones that can connect to the internet, and today they are used more than any other device. Teens often use their devices to communicate with people such as friends and family. Because it is so simple to have chat conversations, teens can use their devices to talk about their problems and share personal information.
The problem that teens don’t realize is that texts and other media can be copied and replicated, so teens that intend to send a private text can discover that their thoughts or messages got out to the public. Since most smartphones come with cameras, teens can send visual images to friends, but it’s important for them to understand what can happen with those messages and how far those messages can go.

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