We are so excited to announce the MA Youth of the Year winner! Vicky, You are an amazing young woman and a shining example of what a Youth of the Year represents. We wish you the best in college and know you will indeed change the world!
A message from Victoria Fils-Aime to the Waltham Boys & Girls Club:
As a young child I went through a lot of obstacles I always ask myself why me? Why does it always happen to me? It wasn’t until I won Massachusetts Youth of the Year that I finally understood why I went through so much adversity. The Youth of the Year and Leadership conferences taught me to forgive those who have hurt you in the past and help those along the road to success. My vision is to help the young youth who feel angry, confused, pathetic, useless and broken as I did at a point in my life. It only takes one kid to change the world, if they have the support of someone. My support was the Waltham Boys and Girls Club. I consider myself a soldier and I have overcome so many battles and continued my legacy of becoming a great leader. I want to make an army of independent strong and determined young soldiers who can take on the world. It takes one voice to change a city, a city to change a state, a state to change a region, a region to change a nation and a nation to change the world.
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