Exploring My Interests After High School
Are you trying to figure out what lies ahead for you after high school? Well, here are some steps to get started and ways you can map out your future!
Step 1 – Tune in to Your Hobbies and Interests
What are some of your hobbies? What are some of your interests? As you answer these questions, think about how you could turn your interests and hobbies into a career. For example, if you love reading and writing, you should possibly look at a career in media. Check out our “All About Me” questionnaire to get you thinking!
Step 2 – How Much Education Will You Need?
Find out how much education you will need to achieve your dream career. It’s important to be realistic. If you know that making a nice sum of money is important to you, realize that jobs with high salaries like doctors, lawyers or even accounting/financial management professionals require years of education to obtain doctoral, law or MBA degrees. Some people are willing to make that sacrifice, yet others aren’t. And remember — technology is changing careers every day. However, even in fields like the gaming industry and digital media, the right education is required to succeed. Be sure to research what is needed!
Step 3 – It’s Never Too Early to Network
Start networking now to help you land a job, internship or job-shadow experience in your field of choice. Check out these helpful networking tips:
- The easiest way to network is to socialize with friends you already have. Encourage acquaintances to invite others to a party or event. Then ask questions of them — ask about their education, internships, previous jobs, etc.
- Use social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to follow the careers of other people. Let your networks know that you are interested in learning more about a particularly industry or career.
- Follow up with each person that you meet. Remember to get business cards from people, and then write them a letter a few days later to thank them for their time and to let them know that you enjoyed your conversation with them and would love gain more insight into their field.
- If you have a connection, use it. Does your mom shop regularly at the store where you’d like to work? If so, have her mention that you’re looking for a job.
Still not sure what career path lies ahead for you? That’s OK! This is perfectly normal for someone still in high school. There are many options to consider, but you can help narrow your search further by setting up an internship or job-shadowing experience to get some real-world experience in a career you might be interested in.

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