Congratulations to the 2015 diplomas2Degrees Scholarship Winners!
D2D Scholarships from Darden Foundation – As a long-standing partner with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, the Darden Foundation awarded 5 d2D scholarship awards in the amount of $3,000 to graduating seniors who participated in the Diplomas 2 Degrees (d2D program). We would like to congratulate the 2015 Darden Foundation d2D Scholarship Winners and wish them the best as they pursue their postsecondary goals!
Eric Davis of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis, Missouri
Alex Shaner of Boys and Girls Club of Westminster, Maryland
David Jimenez of Boys and Girls Club of West San Gabriel Valley, California
Kanesha Mallory of Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta, Georgia
Daniel Jefferson of Salvation Army of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Houston, Texas
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